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Every Donation provides Richmond youth the opportunity to succeed.

Please consider giving a recurring gift or one-time donation to CCYSB.

Dear CCYSB Youth Champion:

On behalf of the Contra Costa Youth Service Bureau, we would like to thank you for your generous contribution. Your gift will be used to continue to bring healing and resource to the 400 plus children and families that we serve through our programming. Whether we are providing a listening ear and reassuring words to a relative caregiver or linking a family with educational resources CCYSB is here for the Contra Costa County Community.

Rooted thirty years ago, with an intention to help young people heal from cycles of trauma by uplifting natural resources with the supports of community members; the Contra Costa Youth Service Bureau (then West Contra Costa Youth Service Bureau) is a true community-based agency. Using a holistic approach to help our youth we treat the whole family while empowering change in the systems that impact their lives. Through our wraparound services, kinship program, and differential response program we collectively help youth thrive in their environment and empower health within their family setting while uplifting caregiver and community resource.

While we are in gratitude for our partnerships with the County, we realize that at this moment in history when mental health is at its highest and resource management particularly challenging the children and families of the Contra Costa Youth Service Bureau benefit greatly from added supports brought by the loving help of community members. In 2021 donations helped us to ensure that our families were able to enjoy their holidays by safely obtaining presents, food, gift cards and a warm hand-off of items by our volunteers and staff. In 2020 and 2021 all CCYSB children and the surrounding communities received trick or treat bags, toys, and food. Looking forward to 2022, we are very excited to increase youth engagement in camps, educational supports and opportunities, and opportunity to participate in after school activities. Thank you for helping our young people enrich their lives.

CCYSB in an essential service and we have never stopped providing resource and kindness to our community. We are always here to pick up a phone, drop off a meal, or help our youth finish their math problems. Your kindness makes this possible.

In gratitude,

Kim Catanzano, LSW, Executive Director

John Ziesenhenne, Board President